Thursday, October 11, 2007

To Be A Friend

You know I used to be friends with Mr.One Up, Cody's dad, and now I can't see why. I should remember why we were together. I could say it was for Cody and it most likely is. See we were rushed into our relationship, Cody was the first thing we created. And it wasn't all that bad. I was able to stay at home with Cody and didn't worry about much except is the house clean, laundry done, etc. Anyway we did the family thing and had some great times. House whole nine yards. A little tip, its not all that great. I would take my life now over all that. I may not have the carefree life I did and I may struggle more but you know what, I like it.
So know I try to be his friend, and by that I mean I try to be thoughtful. But i just can't anymore. I have to look out for me and my family. Yesterday I really got depressed. See he stopped taking care of his child and by that I think you get the idea. And as a mother it is scary. Will we be ok? Will Cody understand? It will work itself out, I have faith in that.
For now I will be as nice as I can. I will make sure Cody calls him, emails him, and include him in all affairs. But as for being his friend, I can't. He hasn't once thought of his son. And that is the one thing I focus on. The old saying...mess with my kid you mess with me. Am I wrong?


Blogger Marianna said...

In the years I have known you, you have ALWAYS shown me that you put Cody 1st. He was your only focus in prison ~ to get out & take care of him. There's nothing written in any books that state you have to be friends with your ex. And you're doing the right thing by being cordial to him. But that's as far as it goes. You can have a working relationship with him ~ but it takes 2 to make it happen. So it might seem like you are doing all the work, unfortunately.

Keep your main focus on path. Everything will fall into place.


October 11, 2007 at 2:33 PM  
Blogger Mia said...

You are soo not wrong. You're doing the right thing, one day Cody will see his dad for the way he is. Until then, you're doing the right thing. I too for my girls, always had to be the one to make them make the first move. Now the onus is on them.

Keep going. Do the best you can, which I know you are. Stay strong, there's never a need to say anything against the dad, as Cody's seen it.

October 11, 2007 at 7:20 PM  
Blogger Nature Girl said...

No, you are not wrong. It's hard to respect a guy who can't be there to support his children either emotionally of financially. Even dads who don't have the means to support them financially do what they can when they can but are always there emotionally. This doesn't seem to be the case for Cody's dad. You're doing the right thing by including him in things but that's as far as it has to go, nothing in the rule book says you have to be friends..

October 12, 2007 at 6:01 AM  

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