Thursday, May 15, 2008

Must Speak Up

I only hope this is all worth it in the end.

We had our appointment today with the court therapist, and it wasn't all that fun for the kiddo. He froze up and was kinda angry when we left. He told me he wanted to only see his regular counselor.
Now kiddo has been doing a lot better with all this and it does have a lot to do with his meds. I will stand by that. He was diagonsed with ADHD. He does well.

He has alot of anxiety issues so this causes him to do certain things. Just nervous habits...but nothing so serious.
More and more he is coping. But, as we see more doctors they want him on more meds. I only want what is needed, not a long term effect diagnosis.

I know my kiddo and he might be hyper and have fears, but come on. I am not sure if I should disclose the certain diagnosis he was given today so I wont. But well, I know its not the case.

And now lets talk about the "atty general" I can't understand how I follow all rules, and I am so patient, they still screw with me.
I thought they were on my side. Oh no, they want to hold my payments for 2 months.
Can they put food on the table?
Can they get books at the book fair?
Can they get the kiddo shoes? Uh no!

We take care of the kiddo no matter what...I will make sure of that. No matter how I have to, family is always behind me.
So I will keep doing what I am told to do and keep my nose clean.



Blogger Marianna said...


The attorney general should be on the child's side! End of story! I don't understand this... they need to support C.


May 15, 2008 at 11:21 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Ugh...we're going through something similar here. My oldest has some anger issues, too and we're starting counseling soon. It hurts me to see him hurt and so angry, and we'll see what happens. Gah..
And my ex is now two and a half months behind on his payments and I'm getting a similar run around. I'm even right now, but we will be in the red within two weeks if something doesn't happen. It sucks. They talk about being fair to him. Um hello?? I've complied with what was requested and required of me, but he evidently doesn't have to??? I better quit now or my comment will be longer than your post. Ha! Hang in there..I'm sending good thoughts.

May 17, 2008 at 7:18 AM  
Blogger Cami said...

Hey, you are his mom and you know what is best for him. No one else will stand up for our kids, so we have to--looks like you are doing a great job of it! Hang in there, you're doing everything right!

ps I'm a lurker that found you through your sister's blog...

May 17, 2008 at 10:54 PM  
Blogger Nature Girl said...

Hang in'll all come out in the end right?

May 20, 2008 at 3:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

with the diagnosis, if you truly believe that he has ADHD, you are more equipt to deal with it. Knowing is Half the Battle!

I was diagnosed with anxiety and am taking an anti-anxiety med (lexapro) that has really helped me... yeah, there are side effects, but I feel better. My wife was diagnosed with ADHD as well and is taking meds for that as well... she says that when she is taking the meds she can think clearer. I am not saying that Master C needs the meds, but there might be some natural alternatives out there that can help with the chemical imbalance. The diagnosis and meds saved our marriage... I hope that Master C can get balance right... he seems like a great kid and it would be a shame for him to have nothing but the best.

Another thing that works for me, is scripts when it comes to troublesome situations. It doesn't sound like Master C has Aspergers like I do, but one thing with anxiety, is that if you are prepared (Boy Scout Motto) then you are more comfortable with the outcome. Perhaps there are some scripts and role playing that Master C can learn to help with his anger management.

I only offer these as suggestions... it is incredibly obvious that you and Ms. Sue love Master C so much and that you will do things in his best interest. Hang in there... things will be better...

May 23, 2008 at 8:03 AM  

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