Park Day...Six Flags

He loves this ride, can you tell?

Sue is next to hands are up! Brett and Wendy behind us. Brett didn't like this ride too much.

We went to Six Flags yesterday. All in all it was a great day, lots of rides and just fun. Now we go there often and we never have issues, but this time OMG.
Ok they have this NEW policy where on the main big rides you can't bring your backpacks or prizes in the line. Great idea, keeps things from getting stolen or whatever. So they posted lockers at the entrance of each ride. before if we went on a ride that Cody was not tall enough or he just didn't want to ride he would just wait in line with us then when we got on he would just cross over and wait at the exit. I could see him and know he was safe. Oh no...not this day. So as we went on rides he would either ride or croos over. We got in line for the Titan....awesome rollercoaster. We get all the way to the front and they tell me Cody can't cross over, they made him stay at the other side of the exit. But I had to continue to wait in the for another 45mins. I could not see my child. He did have his phone on him and I did call him several times to check on him. Well we get off the ride and I try to talk to the operator about them making me leave my child, who is 8, alone in a major theme park. They shrug me off and tryed to tell me "that's the rules".
So we continue with our day...we get to Mr. Freeze, which Cody isn't even tall enough to ride. As I get to the ride they tell me that Cody can't even get in line and that I have to leave him at the exit which on the other side of the ride. The wait for this ride is 1 hr...Hell no. I am not leaving him alone for that long. So I don't ride and let the rest go on. Fine I don't get to go.
Next is Batman..again they told me he couldn't ride...and we knew this. He in't tall enough, but he would just cross over and wait. This guy tired to tell me if I didn't put Cody at the exit and he went in line...Cody would have to ride, he can't. Cody started to cry and the guy actually told me to go leave him for an hour while I waited in line. Are these people insane. Anyone can take my child and guess who is blamed...not Six Flags, no me. I was so mad I couldn't let this go...I had the CEO, the ride supervisor you name it I was talking to someone...and get this, we had to pay Adult price for Cody because they don't go by age they go by height. Ok so he is tall enough for adult tickets but not tall enough for the rides. What a racket! Poor boy was terrifed he was going to have to ride this is scary.
Lets make families leave their kids all alone in a place where there is no way we could find them. HELLO...dumbasses.
Besides that, we had some pics to show...Feel free to write and voice yourself on the treatment we recieved at the park.
That must have been an awesome time on the Superman Power of Tower!!!!! LOL
Ok, now that's a load of crap! No way in H-E-Double-Youknowwhat! I think it's a crime that you had to pay for an adult ticket for a child that can't ride half the rides in the first place. I remember taking my boys to theme parks like that and they had the rule where the kid could go in line with you like you said and then cross over and wait, but they had to wait with a parent and then the parent that had to wait got to ride the next time around while the first parent waited. It stunk that you could never ride together, but it was better than not riding at all (I'm not a coaster fan so this never bothered me anyway) but it was nice that they had that for families. I'd have been ticked off if they told me to just leave my young child there to wait an hour or way! You had every right to be ticked off!
That's utter bullcrap, hon. I don't understand why they are doing that!
I'd be pissed too. Amusement parks are for KIDS as well as for adults!
i would be scared to ride those rides. big chicken. looks like you all had a great time though. happy monday.
wow looks like a great time!!! I love Six Flags
Write letters to everyone. And put a lawyer's firm at the bottom (cc: Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe). It's not who you write. It's who you copy your letter to. And then call the local tv stations and raise hell. BEFORE summer. They'll be sorry the day they pissed off Goober Mom.
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